ConoCity: Ciudad del Conocimiento / ConoCity: City of Knowledge

In ConoCity, from Bilbao, Spain, Jose Sierra innovates with enriched videos to explain complex and abstract topics combining all expresive media to make the message comprehensible. The effort uses concept maps and CmapTools to organize the content. For example, the Cmap in the image, a summary of FIET 2014, is a collective work to define the role of technology by more than 200 professionals from around the world. In Tarragon, Spain, organized by the Universitat Rovira i Virgili and coordinated by the Arget research group of Mercè Gisbert Cervera, Mar Camacho and other faculty and researchers. They presented to the education community their conclusions, grouped in 11 items and interlinked in an original scheme that the concept map tries to represent. The links are to the video enterviews that summarize the work of these professionals

More information at ConoCity.