ConoCity: Ciudad del Conocimiento / ConoCity: City of Knowledge

In ConoCity, from Bilbao, Spain, Jose Sierra innovates with enriched videos to explain complex and abstract topics combining all expresive media to make the message comprehensible. The effort uses concept maps and CmapTools to organize the content. For example, the Cmap in the image, a summary of FIET 2014, is a collective work to define the role of technology by more than 200 professionals from around the world. In Tarragon, Spain, organized by the Universitat Rovira i Virgili and coordinated by the Arget research group of Mercè Gisbert Cervera, Mar Camacho and other faculty and researchers. They presented to the education community their conclusions, grouped in 11 items and interlinked in an original scheme that the concept map tries to represent. The links are to the video enterviews that summarize the work of these professionals

More information at ConoCity.

Mapping Strategies and Knowledge to Support Multi-stakeholder Involvement Youth Development Programs Located throughout Large Cities

Daniel F. Bassill, D.H.L., of Chicago, Il, USA has been using CmapTools and concept maps since 2006 to map strategies that leaders could follow to help youth born in high poverty areas move through school and into jobs and careers, and to map the information he has aggregated on Tutor/Mentor Connection and Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC web sites since 1998.

Dan’s goal is that leaders from many sectors create versions of his strategy Cmap, with their own photo at the top, to show their own commitment to this strategy. Information collected is shared in many ways and is intended to be used by groups of people to support their own efforts to help youth in their communities, as is shown on this Cmap.

Dan seeks partners in institutions who will not only help update and improve the maps, but who will  use other tools to help communicate the ideas so that they are used by leaders in many places.

Dan posts links to these maps from each of this web sites, such as

CMC: Concept Mapping Conference brings Together Cmappers from all over the World

Every two years, Cmappers from all over the world meet at CMC, the Concept Mapping Conference, to share their and learn from each other. The conference has been held in Pamplona, Spain in 2004, San José, Costa Rica in 2006, in Tallinn, Estonia and Helsinki, Finland in 2008, Viña del Mar, Chile in 2010, Malta in 2012 and in Santos, Brazil in 2014. In 2016 the community will get together again Tallinn, Estonia. The Conference Proceedings are available on line in PDF format.

Visit the CMC Website.