CXL - Concept Mapping Extensible Language Home | KEA


Cmap Web Service

Layout Web Service

Client Example

An XML-based language for describing the content of Cmaps

CXL is defined by the XML Schema cmap.xsd. A sample map can be found here Plants.cxl. When imported into CmapTools it should look like this Plants.jpg.

A simpler sample cmap can be found here PlantsSimple.cxl. When imported into CmapTools it should look like this PlantsSimple.jpg

The structure of a Cmap in XML is the following:

<cmap xmlns=""
<dc:contributor> <!-- Last user that modified the resource -->
<vcard:FN>Full name (First [Middle|Initial] Last)</vcard:FN>
<vcard:EMAIL>Email address</vcard:EMAIL>
<vcard:OrgName>Organization name</vcard:OrgName>
<dc:creator> <!-- Original author -->
<vcard:FN>Full name (First [Middle|Initial] Last)</vcard:FN>
<vcard:EMAIL>Email address</vcard:EMAIL>
<vcard:OrgName>Organization name</vcard:OrgName>
<dc:description>Focus question of the Cmap</dc:description>
<dc:identifier>HTTP URL with resource id (e.g.</dc:identifier>
<dc:language>Language code (RFC1766) (e.g. en_US)</dc:language>
<dc:publisher>IHMC CmapTools v. 4.X</dc:publisher>
<dc:relation>HTTP URL, location based (e.g.</dc:relation>
<dc:subject>Keyword list, comma delimited</dc:subject>
<dc:title>Name of the Cmap</dc:title>
<dcterms:created>Date when the Cmap was created (ISO Date yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z' GMT Time Zone)</dcterms:created>
<dcterms:extent>size (integer [space] units)</dcterms:extent>
<dcterms:modified>Date of last modification (ISO Date yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z' GMT Time Zone)</dcterms:modified>
<dcterms:rightsHolder> <!-- Cmap owner -->
<vcard:FN>Full name (First [Middle|Initial] Last)</vcard:FN>
<vcard:EMAIL>Email address</vcard:EMAIL>
<vcard:OrgName>Organization name</vcard:OrgName>


This is the main element of a CXL definition. This element encloses the definition of a Concept map in CXL.



Child Elements

Name Min. Occurrences Max. Occurrences
res-meta 0 1
map 0 1


This element defines the structure of the map.


Name XML Schema Type Required Description
root-id string No The id of the root concept of the map
header string No The text of the header
footer string No The text of the footer
width int No the minimum width of the map's canvas
height int No the minimum height of the map's canvas
default-stylesheet-id string No the unique id of the maps current default named stylesheet

Child Elements

Name Min. Occurrences Max. Occurrences
concept-list 0 1
linking-phrase-list 0 1
connection-list 0 1
resource-group-list 0 1
proposition-list 0 1
not-a-proposition-list 0 1
concept-appearance-list 0 1
linking-phrase-appearance-list 0 1
connection-appearance-list 0 1
resource-appearance-list 0 1
style-sheet-list 0 1
extra-properties-list 0 1
extra-graphical-properties-list 0 1
image-list 0 1


List of concepts in the map.



Child Elements

Name Min. Occurrences Max. Occurrences
concept 0 Unbounded


List of linking phrases in the map.



Child Elements

Name Min. Occurrences Max. Occurrences
linking-phrase 0 Unbounded


List of connections in the map.



Child Elements

Name Min. Occurrences Max. Occurrences
connection 0 Unbounded


List of resource groups in the map.



Child Elements

Name Min. Occurrences Max. Occurrences
resource-group 0 Unbounded


List of propositions in the map.



Child Elements

Name Min. Occurrences Max. Occurrences
proposition 0 Unbounded


A List of propositions that the user has defined as not valid propositions in this map.



Child Elements

Name Min. Occurrences Max. Occurrences
proposition 0 Unbounded


List of concept appearances.



Child Elements

Name Min. Occurrences Max. Occurrences
concept-appearance 0 Unbounded


List of linking phrase appearances.



Child Elements

Name Min. Occurrences Max. Occurrences
linking-phrase-appearance 0 Unbounded


List of connection appearances.



Child Elements

Name Min. Occurrences Max. Occurrences
connection-appearance 0 Unbounded


List of resource appearances.



Child Elements

Name Min. Occurrences Max. Occurrences
resource-appearance 0 Unbounded


List of named style sheets



Child Elements

Name Min. Occurrences Max. Occurrences
style-sheet 0 Unbounded


List of extra properties lists



Child Elements

Name Min. Occurrences Max. Occurrences
properties-list 0 Unbounded


List of extra graphical properties lists



Child Elements

Name Min. Occurrences Max. Occurrences
properties-list 0 Unbounded


List of images



Child Elements

Name Min. Occurrences Max. Occurrences
image 0 Unbounded



Name XML Schema Type Required Description
id string No The unique Id of the Node. Must be unique for all nodes concepts and linking phrases
parent-id string No The unique Id of the parent container if not the map (usually the Id of another Node)
label string Yes The text displayed in the node on screen. Used as the reference id if no id is provided
short-comment string No Extra concise text info about this node
long-comment string No Extra text info about this node
uri string No Unique identifier for this entity
weight decimal No Predefined weight associated with this Node. (Not Supported by CmapTools)
weight-is-changeable boolean No If the weight can be set during simulation then this is set to true. The default value is false. (Not Supported by CmapTools)

Child Elements




Name XML Schema Type Required Description
id string No The unique Id of the Node. Must be unique for all nodes concepts and linking phrases
parent-id string No The unique Id of the parent container if not the map (usually the Id of another Node)
label string Yes The text displayed in the node on screen. Used as the reference id if no id is provided
short-comment string No Extra concise text info about this node
long-comment string No Extra text info about this node
uri string No Unique identifier for this entity

Child Elements

Name Min. Occurrences Max. Occurrences
if-rule 0 Unbounded



Name XML Schema Type Required Description
id string No The unique Id of the Connection (required only if appearance is defined)
parent-id string No The unique Id of the parent container if not the map (usually the Id of another Node)
from-id string Yes The unique Id of the Node where the connection starts
to-id string Yes The unique Id of the Node where the connection ends
isBidirectional boolean No true if the connection is bidirectional (defaults to false)

Child Elements




Name XML Schema Type Required Description
parent-id string Yes the id of the node this group is connected to
group-type string No the type of this group (unknown, image, soup, html, cmap, text, <text-and-image>, audio, video, executable, discussion-thread, organizer, email, shortcut)

Child Elements

Name Min. Occurrences Max. Occurrences
resource 0 Unbounded


Description of a resource linked to by this map.


Name XML Schema Type Required Description
id string No the unique id for this resource description (only required if specifying appearance)
label string Yes the Text displayed to the viewer if needed
description string No a meaningful description of this resource
resource-name string No the name of the linked resource
resource-mimetype string Yes the MIME type of the linked resource
resource-server-id string No The unique Id of the server containing this resource (required if no url specified)
resource-folder-id string No The unique Id of the folder containing this resource(required if no url specified)
resource-id string No The unique Id of the linked resource (required if no url specified)
resource-url string No The url to the linked resource (required if sid,pid,rid triplet not specified)
focus-entity-id string No The unique Id of the entity in the specified resource that is to be focused on

Child Elements



Each proposition is an ordered list of connections that should start and end with a concept with at least one linking phrase in between each concept in the propostion.



Child Elements

Name Min. Occurrences Max. Occurrences
prop-conn 1 Unbounded



Name XML Schema Type Required Description
conn-id string Yes Id of the connection

Child Elements



Defines the individual appearance information for a concept


Name XML Schema Type Required Description
id string Yes the unique id of the concept to which this appearance is applied
x int No the center x location of this node (default is 10)
y int No the center y location of this node (default is 10)
width int No The width in pixels of the bounding box as computed by the last system to render the map.
This is a suggested starting value and should be recomputed when rendering the node using
the text-margin, min-width, background-image, font information, and border-thickness attributes
height int No The height in pixels of the bounding box as computed by the last system to render the map.
This is a suggested starting value and should be recomputed when rendering the node using
the text-margin, min-width, background-image, font information, and border-thickness attributes
min-width int No the minimum width in pixels.
min-height int No the minimum height in pixels.
expanded boolean No if true and this is a nested node then it should be drawn as expanded (default is false)
draw-order int No index into draw order relative to parent (z-order)
font-name string No the font family's name
font-size decimal No the font point size
font-style string No the font style (<plain>|italic|bold|underlined)
font-color string No font color (an RGBA value [0-255, 0-255, 0-255, 0 or 255])
text-margin int No size of whitespace around node text in pixels
text-alignment string No text alignment in node bounds (<center>, top, bottom, left, right, top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right)
background-color string No background color (an RGBA value [0-255, 0-255, 0-255, 0 or 255])
background-image string No the background image id reference. If "none" then no background image
background-image-style string No How to draw the background image (<full>, scaled, cropped, or tiled)
border-color string No border color (an RGBA value [0-255, 0-255, 0-255, 0 or 255])
border-style string No border line style (none, <solid>, dotted, dashed, dash-dot, dash-dot-dot)
border-thickness int No border line thickness (0-6 where 0 = no border and 6 is the largest)
border-shape string No the border shape (rectangle, <rounded-rectangle>, or oval)
shadow-color string No shadow color (an RGBA value [0-255, 0-255, 0-255, 0 or 255] or "none" if no shadow)
stylesheet-id string No style info to apply to this node (default is _default_)

Child Elements

Name Min. Occurrences Max. Occurrences
localized-style 0 Unbounded


Defines the individual appearance information for a linking phrase


Name XML Schema Type Required Description
id string Yes the unique id of the linking phrase to which this appearance is applied
x int No the center x location of this node (default is 10)
y int No the center y location of this node (default is 10)
width int No The width in pixels of the bounding box as computed by the last system to render the map.
This is a suggested starting value and should be recomputed when rendering the node using
the text-margin, min-width, background-image, font information, and border-thickness attributes
height int No The height in pixels of the bounding box as computed by the last system to render the map.
This is a suggested starting value and should be recomputed when rendering the node using
the text-margin, min-width, background-image, font information, and border-thickness attributes
min-width int No the minimum width in pixels.
min-height int No the minimum height in pixels.
expanded boolean No if true and this is a nested node then it should be drawn as expanded (default is false)
draw-order int No index into draw order relative to parent (z-order)
font-name string No the font family's name
font-size decimal No the font point size
font-style string No the font style (<plain>|italic|bold|underlined)
font-color string No font color (an RGBA value [0-255, 0-255, 0-255, 0 or 255])
text-margin int No size of whitespace around node text in pixels
text-alignment string No text alignment in node bounds (<center>, top, bottom, left, right, top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right)
background-color string No background color (an RGBA value [0-255, 0-255, 0-255, 0 or 255])
background-image string No the background image id reference. If "none" then no background image
background-image-style string No How to draw the background image (<full>, scaled, cropped, or tiled)
border-color string No border color (an RGBA value [0-255, 0-255, 0-255, 0 or 255])
border-style string No border line style (none, <solid>, dotted, dashed, dash-dot, dash-dot-dot)
border-thickness int No border line thickness (0-6 where 0 = no border and 6 is the largest)
border-shape string No the border shape (rectangle, <rounded-rectangle>, or oval)
shadow-color string No shadow color (an RGBA value [0-255, 0-255, 0-255, 0 or 255] or "none" if no shadow)
stylesheet-id string No style info to apply to this node (default is _default_)

Child Elements

Name Min. Occurrences Max. Occurrences
localized-style 0 Unbounded


Localized styles are applied to the text in the specified begin/end region if begin is not specified it is assumed to be 0, and if end is not specified it is assumed to be the end of the text. So by not setting begin and end you can apply the style change to the whole text. Order matters and if localized style bounds overlap the last specified will win.


Name XML Schema Type Required Description
begin int No start index into the node's text where the specified change overrides the default
end int No end index into the node's text where the specified change overrides the default (end not included)
font-name string No Localized font name
font-size decimal No Localized font point size
font-style string No Localized font style (<plain>|italic|bold|underlined)
font-color string No Localized font color (an RGBA value [0-255, 0-255, 0-255, 0 or 255])

Child Elements



Defines the individual appearance information for a connection


Name XML Schema Type Required Description
id string Yes the unique id of the connection to which this appearance is applied
from-pos string No connect to (<center>, top, bottom, left, right, top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right)
to-pos string No connect to (<center>, top, bottom, left, right, top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right)
draw-order int No index into draw order relative to parent
color string No line color (an RGBA value [0-255, 0-255, 0-255, 0 or 255])
style string No line style (none, <solid>, dotted, dashed, dash-dot, dash-dot-dot)
thickness int No line thickness (0-6 where 0 = not visible and 6 is the largest)
type string No the line type (straight, vector, bezier-3pt, bezier-4pt, or spline)
arrowhead string No how to draw the arrow head on a connection
yes - always draw the arrow head on the end or ends if bidirectional
no - never draw the arrow head
if-to-concept - draw if ending at a concept
if-to-concept-and-slopes-up - draw if ending at a concept and in an upward slope
stylesheet-id string No style info to apply to this connection (default is _default_)

Child Elements

Name Min. Occurrences Max. Occurrences
control-point 0 Unbounded


Control points are used to define how the connection looks. Order matters! If the connection type is straight, these points are ignored. If it is spline or Vector then all points are used. If it is bezier-3pt then the first one is used. If it is bezier-4pt the first 2 are used.


Name XML Schema Type Required Description
x int Yes x coordinate of the connection control point
y int Yes y coordinate of the connection control point

Child Elements



Defines the individual appearance information for a resource


Name XML Schema Type Required Description
id string Yes the unique id of the resource to which this appearance is applied
font-name string No the font family's name
font-size decimal No the font point size
font-style string No the font style (<plain>|italic|bold|underlined)
font-color string No font color (an RGBA value [0-255, 0-255, 0-255, 0 or 255])
background-color string No background color (an RGBA value [0-255, 0-255, 0-255, 0 or 255])
stylesheet-id string No style info to apply to this node (default is _default_)

Child Elements



A Style Sheet contains specific style information about the entities of a map.


Name XML Schema Type Required Description
id string Yes The unique Id of the Style sheet (_Default_ and _LatestChanges_ are reserved as special ids)
name string No the unique name of this style sheet. (_Default_ and _LatestChanges_ are reserved as special names)
parent-id string No the parent style sheet id (if a style is not defined here then the parent is checked.)

Child Elements

Name Min. Occurrences Max. Occurrences
map-style 0 1
concept-style 0 1
linking-phrase-style 0 1
connection-style 0 1
resource-style 0 1


map-style define the appearance of the map background. None of these fields are required. If you wish to reposition the background image then set the image-top-left value. If you wish to scale the background image then use both the image-top-left and image-bottom-right values.


Name XML Schema Type Required Description
background-color string No the background color of the map defined in an RGBA value (0-255, 0-255, 0-255, 0 or 255)
background-image string No the background image id reference. If "none" empty then no background image
image-style string No Styles are not-drawn, full, or tiled
image-top-left string No Defines the (x,y) position of the top left corner of the background image
image-bottom-right string No Defines the (x,y) position of the bottom-right corner of the background image

Child Elements



concept-style defines the appearance of a concept


Name XML Schema Type Required Description
font-name string No the font family's name
font-size decimal No the font point size
font-style string No the font style (<plain>|italic|bold|underlined)
font-color string No font color (an RGBA value [0-255, 0-255, 0-255, 0 or 255])
text-margin int No size of whitespace around node text in pixels
text-alignment string No text alignment in node bounds (<center>, top, bottom, left, right, top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right)
background-color string No background color (an RGBA value [0-255, 0-255, 0-255, 0 or 255])
background-image string No the background image id reference. If "none" then no background image
background-image-style string No How to draw the background image (<full>, scaled, cropped, or tiled)
border-color string No border color (an RGBA value [0-255, 0-255, 0-255, 0 or 255])
border-style string No border line style (none, <solid>, dotted, dashed, dash-dot, dash-dot-dot)
border-thickness int No border line thickness (0-6 where 0 = no border and 6 is the largest)
border-shape string No the border shape (rectangle, <rounded-rectangle>, or oval)
shadow-color string No shadow color (an RGBA value [0-255, 0-255, 0-255, 0 or 255] or "none" if no shadow)

Child Elements



linking-phrase-style defines the appearance of a linking phrase


Name XML Schema Type Required Description
font-name string No the font family's name
font-size decimal No the font point size
font-style string No the font style (<plain>|italic|bold|underlined)
font-color string No font color (an RGBA value [0-255, 0-255, 0-255, 0 or 255])
text-margin int No size of whitespace around node text in pixels
text-alignment string No text alignment in node bounds (<center>, top, bottom, left, right, top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right)
background-color string No background color (an RGBA value [0-255, 0-255, 0-255, 0 or 255])
background-image string No the background image id reference. If "none" then no background image
background-image-style string No How to draw the background image (<full>, scaled, cropped, or tiled)
border-color string No border color (an RGBA value [0-255, 0-255, 0-255, 0 or 255])
border-style string No border line style (none, <solid>, dotted, dashed, dash-dot, dash-dot-dot)
border-thickness int No border line thickness (0-6 where 0 = no border and 6 is the largest)
border-shape string No the border shape (rectangle, <rounded-rectangle>, or oval)
shadow-color string No shadow color (an RGBA value [0-255, 0-255, 0-255, 0 or 255] or "none" if no shadow)

Child Elements



connection-style defines the appearance of a connection.
Name XML Schema Type Required Description
color string No line color (an RGBA value [0-255, 0-255, 0-255, 0 or 255])
style string No line style (none, <solid>, dotted, dashed, dash-dot, dash-dot-dot)
thickness int No line thickness (0-6 where 0 = not visible and 6 is the largest)
type string No the line type (straight, vector, bezier-3pt, bezier-4pt, or spline)
arrowhead string No how to draw the arrow head on a connection
yes - always draw the arrow head on the end or ends if bidirectional
no - never draw the arrow head
if-to-concept - draw if ending at a concept
if-to-concept-and-slopes-up - draw if ending at a concept and in an upward slope

Child Elements



resource-style defines the appearance of a resource link.


Name XML Schema Type Required Description
font-name string No the font family's name
font-size decimal No the font point size
font-style string No the font style (<plain>|italic|bold|underlined)
font-color string No font color (an RGBA value [0-255, 0-255, 0-255, 0 or 255])
background-color string No background color (an RGBA value [0-255, 0-255, 0-255, 0 or 255])

Child Elements




Name XML Schema Type Required Description
id string Yes the unique id of the connection to which this appearance is applied

Child Elements

Name Min. Occurrences Max. Occurrences
property 0 Unbounded



Name XML Schema Type Required Description
key string Yes Key of the property
value string Yes Value of the property

Child Elements




Name XML Schema Type Required Description
id string Yes the unique id of this image
resource-server-id string No The unique Id of the server containing this resource (required if no url specified)
resource-folder-id string No The unique Id of the folder containing this resource(required if no url specified)
resource-id string No The unique Id of the linked resource (required if no url specified)
resource-url string No The url to the linked resource (required if sid,pid,rid triplet not specified)
bytes base64Binary Yes Base 64 encoded image bytes

Child Elements



This element defines the metadata of a Cmap or of any resource inside the CmapTools environment. This element makes use of elements defined in the following namespaces:
Namespace Prefix Schema Location dc dc.xsd dcterms dcterms.xsd


Name XML Schema Type Required Description
content-type string No If the referenced resource is a container then this attribute will tell what type of elements it contains inside the content element. It can either be res-meta-list or part-list

Child Elements

Name Min. Occurrences Max. Occurrences
dc:contributor 0 1
dc:creator 0 1
dc:description 0 1
dc:format 0 1
dc:identifier 0 1
dc:language 0 1
dc:publisher 0 1
dc:relation 0 1
dc:source 0 1
dc:subject 0 1
dc:title 0 1
dcterms:created 0 1
dcterms:extent 0 1
dcterms:modified 0 1
dcterms:rightsHolder 0 1
content 0 1


Last user that modified the resource. This element makes use of elements defined in the following namespaces:
Namespace Prefix Schema Location vcard No schema definition found yet



Child Elements

Name Min. Occurrences Max. Occurrences
vcard:FN 0 1
vcard:EMAIL 0 1
vcard:ORG 0 1


Original author. This element makes use of elements defined in the following namespaces:
Namespace Prefix Schema Location vcard No schema definition found yet



Child Elements

Name Min. Occurrences Max. Occurrences
vcard:FN 0 1
vcard:EMAIL 0 1
vcard:ORG 0 1


Focus question in the case of Cmaps or description of the resource otherwise.



Child Elements

A string


MIME type of the resource.



Child Elements

A string


HTTP URL with resource id (e.g.



Child Elements

A string


Language code (RFC1766) (e.g. en_US)



Child Elements

A string


e.g. "IHMC CmapTools v. 4.X"



Child Elements

A string


HTTP URL, location based (e.g.



Child Elements

A string





Child Elements

A string


Keyword list, comma delimited



Child Elements

A string


Name of the resource



Child Elements

A string


Date when the resource was created (ISO Date yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z' GMT Time Zone)



Child Elements

A string


size (integer [space] units)



Child Elements

A string


Date of last modification (ISO Date yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z' GMT Time Zone)



Child Elements

A string


Cmap owner. This element makes use of elements defined in the following namespaces:
Namespace Prefix Schema Location vcard No schema definition found yet



Child Elements

Name Min. Occurrences Max. Occurrences
vcard:FN 0 1
vcard:EMAIL 0 1
vcard:ORG 0 1


Full name (First [Middle|Initial] Last)



Child Elements

A string


Email address



Child Elements

A string




Child Elements

Name Min. Occurrences Max. Occurrences
vcard:OrgName 0 1


Organization name.



Child Elements

A string




Child Elements

This element can either contain one res-meta-list element or a part-list element.



Name XML Schema Type Required Description
count unsignedInt No Total number of children currently in the list
total-count unsignedInt No Total number of children in the source data set
start-index unsignedInt No Index within the source data set of the first child in the list
end-index unsignedInt No Index within the source data set of the last child in the list
sort-as string No alpha if sorted alphabetically, or numeric if sorted numerically
sort-dir string No Direction of the sort, either ascending or descending
sort-by string No XPath expression identifying the element or attribute compared for sorting

Child Elements

Name Min. Occurrences Max. Occurrences
res-meta 0 Unbounded



Name XML Schema Type Required Description
count unsignedInt No Total number of children currently in the list
total-count unsignedInt No Total number of children in the source data set
start-index unsignedInt No Index within the source data set of the first child in the list
end-index unsignedInt No Index within the source data set of the last child in the list
sort-as string No alpha if sorted alphabetically, or numeric if sorted numerically
sort-dir string No Direction of the sort, either ascending or descending
sort-by string No XPath expression identifying the element or attribute compared for sorting

Child Elements

Name Min. Occurrences Max. Occurrences
part 0 Unbounded


This element defines the metadata of a Cmap or of any resource inside the CmapTools environment. This element makes use of elements defined in the following namespaces:
Namespace Prefix Schema Location dc dc.xsd


Name XML Schema Type Required Description
content-type string No If the referenced resource is a container then this attribute will tell what type of elements it contains inside the content element. It can either be res-meta-list or part-list

Child Elements

Name Min. Occurrences Max. Occurrences
dc:format 0 1
dc:identifier 0 1
dc:relation 0 1

if-rule (Not Supported by CmapTools)


Name XML Schema Type Required Description
condition-check string Yes How to compare the condition-value with the current weight value of the condition node.
The allowed values are as follows: greater-than, less-than, equal-to, greater-than-or-equal-to,
less-than-or-equal-to. Negation is handled by reversing the result-true and result-false values
condition-value decimal Yes The value to be compared with the condition node's weight
result-true decimal Yes The weight to be assigned to the resultant node if the condition is computed to be true
result-false decimal No The weight to be assigned to the resultant node if the condition is computed to be false. If
not specified and the condition is computed to be false then the reslutant's weight is not changed
reverse-nodes boolean No By default the condition node is the node from which the edge originates and the resultant node
is the node to which the edge points. The default value for this attribute is 'false', but if it
is set to 'true', then the condition and resultant nodes reverse roles.

Child Elements
